Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Surprisingly, the holiday isn't a big deal over here. We bought a few chickens, because turkey is outlandishly expensive, and had a sort-of fake Thanksgiving Feast. Everything continues to be well over here, and work is pretty entertaining. The bosses destroyed a bird nest outside the store prior to my shift the other day, and the two birds took great offense. They flew around inside the bottle shop, squawking and knocking things over. I called the manager, and she said that I had to "go get them" before my shift was over. I, being somewhat logical, asked how I was supposed to go about getting an animal that can fly whenever it wishes. Her thoughts were, in order, that: I'm an American, thus a Boy Scout, thus clearly adept at catching live birds in small spaces. Craziness. Pictures will be coming soon.

Monday, November 16, 2009

What We Have, Here, is ....

Sorry for the lack of updates. I have actually been pretty busy. Work continues to go well, with me getting more hours this week than last, probably because I am a not terrible employee. Today was payday, as well, which always reminds me of that Dr. Nick quotation: "My favorite part is when they give me my money."

I am still reading a lot, and am currently on my 4th book since I got here, though I am also working through a 5th. It is a book by John Gribbin on theoretical quantum mechanics, specifically Multiverse Theory. My brain pops and fizzles at random times during the day because of its abuse at the hands of this book.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

All is Well

I got the job after the call back, and have been officially working and employed since then. I took my day off and explored Trinity Beach, as they just put the nets out for the start of stinger season, and did a hike around this rocky outcropping that juts into the ocean. I saw a sea turtle come up for air, which is the first time I've seen a sea turtle in the wild since North Carolina and the hatchlings. This one was much bigger. Australia is wild.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Great Success!

The interview went well. I have already gotten a call-back, and go in tomorrow morning to shadow a bartender and get a feel for the place. If anyone from Australia calls home, you're a Universal Pictures executive and I am the guy "Cocktail" was based on.

One Week In

Things are moving now, after about a week on the ground. I have a job interview today, so hopefully someone will be giving me some money soon, and I have met a lot of people in this apartment complex I'll be living in at the end of the month. Watson got in yesterday morning, so the group is as full as it will get prior to Steve's arrival in January. It is stupendously hot, so that is taking some getting used to, but there seem to be plenty of job opportunities and there is no shortage of things to do during the down time.

I have been playing a fair amount of pick-up basketball, as there is a court near where I am staying, and am figuring out where I can live before my sublet starts in a few weeks. Sorry if this post comes across as a business-like information dump, but I wanted to bring everyone up to speed and this seemed the best way to do it. I will start taking pictures when I get my camera charged, which will happen sometime after I purchase a charger. I have gotten a pre-paid phone and an internet card, so I can now get on the internet without first boarding a bus, so, logically, these posts should come more frequently. We will see how that plays out in practice.